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Most of the young children have been to a hagwon for piano or art lessons at least once.
Many hagwon also have adults as students, particularly those dedicated to teaching the English language.
In March 2008, the government prohibited school teachers from creating test questions for hagwon.
A group of English instructors first formed a labour union at a hagwon in 2005.
That's about the same price that some other cram schools, known as hagwon, charge for more traditional subjects.
Cram schools, known as hagwon, are often the answer.
Hagwon owners have complained about the challenge in finding truly qualified teachers.
He is also a teacher at a Chinese language hagwon in Gangnam.
Children of all ages often attend hagwon, even those in the pre-school age bracket.
The licenses of hagwon caught running false advertisements will be revoked.
Indeed, some parents place more stress on their children's hagwon studies than their public school studies.
Foreign instructors hold a mixed view of hagwon.
It was reported in April 2009 that 67 percent of hagwon sampled were found to have overcharged for tuition.
While they worked on the program, they set up their own hagwon in order to study their target market and raise capital.
Baekdu Hagwon, a Korean international school, is in this ward.
The area around this station is popular among young people, with lots of bars, restaurants, movie theaters, hagwon, offices, etc.
The public education system is not enough to prepare students for the exam, so most must attend after school lessons at various hagwon (cram schools).
It is not uncommon for students to be enrolled in several hagwon of different subject areas at once in addition to their normal school attendance.
Korean courts have ruled that it may violate the constitution for the government to limit the amount of money hagwon can charge.
Hagwon are required to issue cash receipts.
However, some hagwon added weekend classes to compensate for shorter weekday classes.
In some English-speaking countries, hagwon exist for ethnic Koreans.
His father, Sung Kim, had gone to a hagwon in Korea and knew how hard it was.
Some hagwon specializing in just one subject, and others offer all core subjects, constituting a second round of schooling every day for their pupils.
Other hagwon simply ignored the regulations.