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He was halfway up the haik, almost within striking range.
I waited not, but moved as the haik strikes and took him fair in the back with my dagger.
Three days later Haik vanished from the streets of Tehran.
From deep in his throat came the high-pitched utterance: "Haik!"
He tested the haik to make certain it was securely wedged in place, then waved.
She raised the hood of her haik.
Malik began to climb the haik hand over hand.
The Bishop's servant showed him how to wind the long white cloth around his head to form the haik turban.
Thibodaux fought Haik every way he knew how.
Removing the haik, he examined the cut.
Nonetheless Haik professed Christ as his personal savior when he was 15.
The tall man wore cast-off European clothes, and a burlap bag over his head like a haik.
Haik's brothers who are active pastors are also ministering outside Iran.
She squatted above the teeth where her haik was caught, scared the vultures off, and reached down to grab the cloth.
"Haik seems to me to be doing a fine job in the War Department, Lee," said the President.
A woman in a haik, the long white gown of the or- thodox Moslems, with only her eyes showing behind the veil.
Hayq (or Haik) is a town in northern Ethiopia.
Both Haik and Takoosh suffered broken legs and were not expected to walk again.
Haik's committed campaign for Dibaj paid off.
The state elections commissioner, Suzanne Haik Terrell, said she was also considering running.
He waited a while, made her cover her head with her haik, and lay back wrapped in his burnous.
"I will be here," he called, taking one hand off the haik to swat at the vulture pecking at his fingers.
Haik disliked such things on principle.
The chapter that follows resumes with Stephan and Haik.
The post was then won by the only Republican who ever held it, Suzanne Haik Terrell.