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By the way, on the subject of hair gel: no.
Most of them seemed to some extent married to their hair gel.
Michael also thinks about matters like his hair gel more than might be expected.
When a customer asked for a box of hair gel, he tried to sell her a condom.
The man in the cab, about my age but with a lot of hair gel, looked at me and said, "Look out, you idiot."
The men are known for tight jeans and their prolific use of hair gel.
When money is tight, cut back on expensive haircuts and hair gel.
At the bridge she is seen putting super glue in the guy's hair gel.
After another, he couldn't lift his arm to apply hair gel.
Murray proposes that the band change their style by the use of hair gel.
"You got a smear of hair gel on your jacket.
Apparently one of the astronauts tried to board with hair gel in his carry-on.
He must have forgotten to pack the hair gel.
He wished futilely for a mirror and some hair gel.
It's nice to know it's merely a question of bad hair gel.
His black hair reflected the light because of the hair gel he always wore.
There are no easy alternatives to hair gel and hair spray.
Keep hair gels and sprays away from your face.
These have both function and composition similar to diluted hair gels.
David searched through his knapsack, bringing out what looked like a tube of hair gel.
It does not harden like products such as hair gel, but remains pliable.
It had been curled and styled with hair gel.
Substances which have been used for this purpose include hair gel, sugar and lip balm.
I wonder what all that fuss about four ounces of hair gel is about.
But don't worry: I feel safer already knowing that the woman next to me doesn't have hair gel.