I'll honor it by replaying in my mind the lady who hair sprayed in the eyes an old man, who tried to get in front of her at the revolving doors.
Visual kei bands are generally perceived as rock artists with flaboyant dress, androgynous looks, jewelry, hair dyed and sprayed, and thick make-up.
My arms and legs flew outward, my shaggy hair sprayed forward and recoiled against my face, and my neck got a good wrenching.
She tumbled sixty feet to the street, turning lazily, her waist-long yellow hair sprayed around her like a halo ... At last I turned away from the window.
The twelve men and women were wearing church clothes today, hair combed and sprayed into place, men in jacket and tie, the women sparkling with jewelry.
She sometimes felt that were Scott not sitting at the studio news desk, face made up and hair sprayed, ready to roll and clearly in control - why, then the news might never happen.
Elanstan tossed her head and her short niellen hair sprayed away from her face.
Blood, brains, and hair sprayed everywhere, causing the four lieutenants to automatically shield their eyes from the spattering gore.
She was curled up away from him, her hair sprayed over the sheets, her face buried in the pillow.