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So real a hallucination was beyond any I had seen before.
You probably will know if a person is having a hallucination.
But how can we both be having the same hallucination?
By their very nature only one person can see a given hallucination at a time.
In fact, the world might seem a much better place a hallucination or two later.
Several hours later, she passed into a state of hallucinations.
I'm not sure if it was a hallucination or what.
No, I never even thought of that, though they can cause hallucinations.
One part of her mind knew that he was a hallucination.
Which made her think that the whole thing was a hallucination.
Down deep, she knew it had to be a hallucination.
What was he supposed to do when the hallucinations hit again?
There was a certain photograph about which you had a hallucination.
And maybe sitting here with her like this was all another hallucination.
And yet, if you half close your eyes the hallucination is complete.
From here on up we are in the region of hallucination.
At least part of this guy's hallucination might be on the mark.
This was no hallucination, the face that he saw above him!
Only this man knew for sure whether it had been a hallucination.
If this was hallucination, then I'd gone too far to come back.
"And they do not appear when you have the hallucinations."
The last thing she needed were hallucinations to make it worse.
Besides the hallucinations, I could now see the real as well.
I looked to see what had happened and decided that it must be another hallucination.
Would he see a half a dozen different hallucinations all at once?