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It's become an annual tradition: a small business somewhere is criticized for ham-handedly using Sept.
Still, it has met the challenge ham-handedly.
Instead we get brilliant concepts ham-handedly executed.
Lapcharoensap handles the discord between East and West ham-handedly.
This stylized inarticulacy strikes a few wrong notes, especially when it tweaks clichés ham-handedly.
The program may not be quite as ham-handedly greedy as it seems; Facebook explains that this program is intended to eliminate spam.
There seems no need to suspect darkly that City Hall pressure had to be applied ham-handedly to deliver the job like some old Tammany contract.
Yes, I am laboring too ham-handedly at this effort to share the general amusement at Mr. Lawrence's expense.
It has ham-handedly tried to beat back technology with litigation, but no matter how many courtroom victories it reaps, the technology keeps winning in the marketplace.
It would be wrong to give away what happens next, but the consequence of the squadron's action is ham-handedly predictable and, morally speaking, takes the picture down a peg.
An MSNBC commentator ham-handedly purloins David Letterman’s famous format.
We were, of course, horrified when he went entirely out of control and waxed wordy as well as ham-handedly sarcastic about the great polls of America.
And in the climactic scenes, the movie ham-handedly tries to drum up excitement by cross-cutting between a crucial game and the voters going to the polls a few days later.
Silva held up a document that he claimed was a police report, which has since become available online – but it rather ham-handedly identifies only Capriles and not the supposed other man.
In 2002, after the White House ham-handedly praised the short-lived coup in Caracas as a victory for democracy, Chávez issued a public challenge to President Bush.
So here we are with recent events and we have instances of the Obama administration's hiding the truth, misleading the public and ham-handedly investigating journalists whose desire is to reveal the truth.
On The Dole widening early lead, but he's not home yet, folks . . ." Here I paraphrase most ham-handedly Mr. Kurtz's elegantly composed message.
The ending of the book, like the endings of so many recent Spark novels, is abrupt, implausible and ham-handedly ironic - somehow a fitting conclusion to such a brittle and unsatisfactory story.
One night, while wielding a catapult slingshot, he ham-handedly slices off half a dragon's tail (which grounds it from flying), and then stumbles onto the creature nursing its wounds at a woodland crater lake.
Yes, it is ham-handedly, painfully un-subtle, but making a film with this message in the early 1960s, with the storms of the civil rights movement still raging, required considerable courage on the part of the filmmakers.
As for the abortion matter, some analysts concluded that Mr. Dole had made a smart political decision, though ham-handedly, in trying to appeal to more Republicans, a majority of whom favor abortion rights, and independents.
The music catalog is much smaller - 2 million vs. 3.5 million on iTunes - a fact that Microsoft ham-handedly tries to conceal by listing stuff that it doesn't actually sell, like Beatles albums.
Dixon presages his moral - the love of money is the root of all evil - somewhat ham-handedly at the outset of the novel, when he has Jacobs's mother fashion the message into a needlepoint for him.
The pitfall of branded entertainment is the inability of many advertisers to understand the difference between deftly weaving a product into a plot line and ham-handedly pushing it to the point that they annoy or alienate consumers.
Although the police say have have no knowledge of her letters and grill her to name the accomplices in her terrorist organization, the film reveals (somewhat ham-handedly) that the police are corrupt and on Vendice's payroll.