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The handover of power to his cousin was not entirely smooth.
After a brutal civil war, the handover of power was remarkably calm.
In February an election for president and a national assembly will be held, with the formal handover of power three months later.
Both those developments are complicating American intentions for the handover of power.
Calls from the League's current leadership for talks with the military on a handover of power have been rebuffed.
A legitimate handover of power has taken place."
We even feel that this handover of power from the Commission to the Member States is dangerous.
Lacking the security for even a public handover of power, when might it be possible to hold a public trial for Hussein?
Only then will we be able to talk about the handover of power by Captain Camara.
Graffiti also included slogans demanding the handover of power to civilians and end of the military rule.
Plans for the handover of power in Iraq have to be revised after senior Shiites object to indirect elections.
"The handover of power in Gaza and Jericho has gone very smoothly," the minister underlined.
This means Brazil will not have the rapid handover of power that saved Argentina from hyperinflation.
Nor was he very specific about when exactly he expected to see the handover of power to the "peaceful and representative government" of Iraqis.
The attack came just one week before the scheduled handover of power from the US government to the Iraqi interim government.
Papandreou gloated, while instructing his ministers not to cooperate in the handover of power.
Mr. Bremer served for more than a year in Iraq, up until the handover of power on June 28.
AS the countdown to the handover of power in Iraq enters its final six months, American officials are focusing on how to create a working democracy.
Mr. Kabila, who now appears to be militarily unstoppable, has said that he will settle for nothing less than a full handover of power.
Academics and politicians say the document is a crucial annex to the original joint declaration in 1984, which provides the basis for the handover of power.
He nevertheless supported the handover of power to Marshal Philippe Pétain in 1940.
In the last century the British handover of power to the United States had the seamless quality of a transaction between cousins.
Eastern Slavonia peacefully reintegrated into Croatia, following a gradual three-year handover of power.
As China prepares for a once-in-a-decade handover of power to its next generation of leaders, censors have tried to clamp down on all sensitive topics.
Saleh drew controversy on May 2, just days after the handover of power, when he stated that there were no foreign fighters in Fallujah.