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Because what all the fine talk came down to was hard cash.
The world is full of people who do things for cold, hard cash.
For the City has not been prepared to back his business with hard cash.
"How does the city get hard cash to improve itself?"
But is it really worth that in cold, hard cash?
Maybe I just use cold, hard cash to buy votes.
In fact, they'll spend hard cash for more of it.
They can be sold for hard cash almost anywhere in the world, no questions asked.
You'll need us more than ever the Combines do - because you'd not know your way around, and we could bring in the hard cash.
Or at least enough cold, hard cash to fake it.
What keeps them here now is the possibility of cold, hard cash.
Of course I was worthless, though, to be sure, men would pay hard cash for me!
Two investors had also backed their idea with some hard cash.
Nobody goes to the trouble unless there's a hard cash reason.
Is there a figure that can be calculated and paid out in hard cash?
Which on their block came to a hundred dollars in cold hard cash.
It took a lot to get you out, lad, and not only in hard cash.
"He paid a bundle for it and all in cold hard cash."
John's role was to get together as much hard cash as possible.
Unless you only operate with cold, hard cash, credit is a way of life.
But everyone knows that it takes cold, hard cash to run the place."
And even hard cash just stood for an idea.
Intellectuals were called on to transform their knowledge into hard cash.
Those forests were the last assets they had to sell for hard cash.
"And we're down to fifty a month in hard cash.