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The book is very bad and the others are a hard sell?
New York, on the other hand, seems to be more of a hard sell.
It's going to be a hard sell with the public.
So I think it's going to be a hard sell for them.
And with five billion people, that will be a hard sell.
The problem is that these works are a hard sell.
Once the book was done, however, the movie rights were not a hard sell at all.
It's success could be put down to the hard sell.
"But a couple of points might be a hard sell."
"I remember giving the place a pretty hard sell to all of my friends back then."
You cannot both chair the meeting and hard sell an idea to members.
The shop was a hard sell at first, even within the family.
Either way, the hard sell is one of her basic skills.
"Without the television potential, it would be a hard sell."
He found it very hard selling me the smaller works.
This is going to be an even harder sell than the last one.
"It was a hard sell for the first six to eight months," he said.
"There's no need for the hard sell as there used to be."
That approach will be a hard sell to the allies.
And office space was already a hard sell in 1933."
Clients, in fact, are a hard sell for just that reason.
For many, this is not a hard sell, because foreign students represent a growth area.
It's the same sort of hard sell the Yankees are doing across town.
The movie is going to be a hard sell for most of today's audiences.
"Now they are going to have to rely more on a hard sell to win new business."