Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
But in the last week, the area has become more of a hardened front line.
Thus, by thinking like a hardened target, you will become one.
But what, after all, can he expect from a hardened professional?
Even the most hardened among us must be laughing at this.
It was a bit too much even for the hardened Tony.
He's already given out my personal information to half the hardened criminals in the country.
I believe it has that effect, except on the most hardened.
Instead, the agency should go after hardened criminals, they said.
In time, she knows that you will become hardened and ambitious.
But that was long enough for them to win and break hardened hearts all over again.
"My, it is quite hardened already; I wonder what they can have been thinking, so far from land."
I wondered if those were tears in her hardened eyes.
It could have been taken for a hardened drop of paint.
But the soldiers, even ones who appear to be boys, have a hardened look about them.
College basketball's hardened general saved the last order of the day for his son.
He was just trying to get close enough to clamp hardened air around the other.
But the performance comes off as more hardened than heartfelt.
"Such hardened criminals form groups if they are allowed to stay at one place for a long time," he said.
Nor do hardened political scholars expect anything to be done.
The rest were in the street, stiff as hardened leather.
He looked more like a hardened pirate than a writer.
Only a hardened soul could dare ask such a question.
You reacted to him as if he were a hardened criminal.
Her eyes grew wide when she hit full against his hardened frame.
Not bad going that, and him supposed to be a hardened old copper.