Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
And when will the harnessing of technology for commercial purposes end?
With this comes the harnessing of the elements for magical power.
In vain the harnessing of the car was proceeded with as though all were well.
Rather is it a harnessing of vital forces, held in delicate balance.
It's art harnessing technology, not the other way around.
The harnessing of atomic power puts other worlds within his reach.
Some anthropologists see this harnessing as a man-over-nature kind of thing.
It is a harnessing of the basic power of the universe.
The harnessing of the Nile was crucial to growth.
The harnessing of hydrogen power had eased a few pro lems.
James beamed at Anna as if he'd just invented the craft of harnessing.
He favored large figures and was the first to create images showing the harnessing of a chariot.
The most powerful weapon that man has developed to combat these enemies is science - the acquisition and harnessing of knowledge.
How it didn't weaken the patient's control but was merely the harnessing of a process that occurred naturally for most people.
We break that commandment daily in the harnessing of human imagination to our deepest creativity.
Successful creative energy involves the harnessing of controlled madness.
The most original feature was the harnessing of the enthusiasm generated by the literacy campaign to create over 18,000 popular teachers in adult education.
But I can see how projections and the harnessing of technology will bring in new audiences who have previously seen theatre as something old fashioned.
The second idea which was restored was the harnessing of financial resources that were adequate to the challenges.
(This may well require the harnessing of the separate programmes into one management schedule.)
Guests over 12 can drive their own dog sled after a brief harnessing and mushing lesson.
The inspiration for the school's motto stems from the harnessing of one's energy and motivation to enable success, especially in study.
Technology later took another step with the harnessing of electricity to create such innovations as the electric motor, light bulb and countless others.
However, this is essential to continuing success, as is the development and harnessing of the full potential of all employees.
In the 19th century, the harnessing of electricity brought about the means to transmit signals via electrical telegraph.