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The two men were in the most harrowed state of affection.
He managed a smile that would have looked almost natural on a less harrowed face.
The first people to use the name were those who cultivated land (harrowed).
He came back with despair on his drawn harrowed features.
The wind gets started as it comes down off the hills and begins to pick up the harrowed soil.
Instead, they turned their efforts to making Cyborgs from Harrowed.
Her harrowed on-screen presence is quite a contrast to the cheerful soul in front of me today.
Her ghost looked harrowed, but the marks of torture were fading even as I watched, and she was really, rarely beautiful.
And one drink to dull the edge of Gray's harrowed impatience digressed into several.
Close, parallel lines of the seeder, across a harrowed strip, show where winter planting has begun.
Her hair was matted; she looked harrowed.
"It's not just the harvest; it's looking at a perfectly harrowed field and knowing all the work that stands behind it."
That woman, for instance, with the thin harrowed face and the anxious eyes-Aunt Judith?
A grin broke through the harrowed lines of fatigue which rutted Wayne Morgan's face.
"I'm leaving soon myself," Zeke said at last, and when his thin black eyes touched hers, she saw the happiness on his harrowed face.
It was easy to remind these harrowed explorers that if pain was eternal, so also was joy.
These same manitous can possess a recently deceased body and reanimate it, creating a "Harrowed".
"My God in Heaven," Mayhew repeated in a harrowed voice.
The SecGen's eyes suddenly seem harrowed and frightened.
Gold aside, the surfaces themselves indicate another form of unvarnished truth, and the backs of these figures are sometimes as good as their harrowed fronts. - An Archival site that is also home to the "Harrowed Entertainment Group".
He could glimpse the man - an émigré, a harrowed man, a man with secrets - whom his mother met and fell in love with.
You bear little more of my land-heir than his memory..." Duac, looking harrowed, found his voice finally.
"It was quicker than what I expected, but I think we've got a fast race track and a freshly harrowed race track.
Cyborgs (as well as Harrowed) are detailed in the Cyborgs sourcebook.