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She needs someone to stand between her and the harshness of life.
There was a harshness in his face that she did not understand.
Would that be just about the right amount of harshness?
Her harshness would be easier to understand in the future.
There was a note of harshness in his voice now.
But some department officials said they were surprised by the harshness of the report.
He went down to the mine for weeks to study the harshness of their lives.
It was as if the harshness had gone out of her features.
A mother used to the harshness of life had replaced her.
He laughed, to take the harshness out of his words.
The words came out with a sort of hungry harshness.
I regret the harshness of those words, though not their result.
The first thing that hits me is the harshness of the light.
It was a strong face, but held no hint of harshness.
But the urgency and harshness of his effort are a new development.
The deeply set eyes lose a bit of their harshness.
Her blue eyes widened at the harshness of his face.
Her voice still had a harshness to it, but less than he recalled.
You force them to support your harshness against their own troops and crew.
The results add human warmth to the harshness of the environment.
Did they think the harshness made them nearer to God?
The voice spoke again, and it held a terrible harshness.
The guides do their best to explain the harshness of life here.
"I thought we were all done for," she said with sudden harshness.
Both showed the harshness of his day, and he needed to shave.