Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
If you know your flight number, please press the hash key.
How can I use a reference as a hash key?
Certainly, from the first time she called his silent number and the message said: ''If you want to buy marijuana, press the hash key''.
If you would like me to condemn another strike vote press 1, followed by the hash key."
In other words, even though this hash key (which is a column name!)
I finished dialling, then hit the hash key twice. '
If you have a nervous disorder, please fidget with the hash key until a representative comes on the line.
Array indices and hash keys use different kinds of braces.
Any other column names must be hash keys which satisfy these conditions:
Generate a hash key at random, such that .
With some cellular phones, the following commands must be sent with the final hash key.
A common solution to this problem is to add the castling rights as part of the Zobrist hashing key.
I hit the moan-phone's speed dial, pressed the hash key twice and put it to my ear.
Hash key can have several meanings.
Either way, the humble hash key, once useful only for telephone banking and Odeon booking lines, is having a moment.
Also, a hash key should have lots and lots of distinct values, or else you won’t achieve even distribution of data.
For example, as of 5.004, duplicate hash keys are shared amongst all hashes using them, so require no reallocation.
If the nested hash key is a column name, then it should point to a non-ref, ie a number or a string.
If you prefer to speak to a member of the Customer Services Team, you may press the hash key or hold the line.
The hash key is specified as key and klen is the length of the key.
Groping about for the phone, I tried to call Paul, but couldn't work out how to dial and kept pressing the star and hash keys.
Once a part of the file is downloaded, the data is then checked against the hash key (known as a hash check).
Hash keys normally point to hash refs.
Remote attestation utilizes a nearly unforgeable hash key to ensure that software and/or hardware configurations have not been altered.
Here's a way around this restriction: Create, on the fly, a hash key which is The Mother of All Roots.