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He went out, hatless, leaving the street door open behind him.
I was hatless and with no cloak, having lost both in the house.
Now there were two hatless snakes in the world and I was involved with both of them.
Then the door slid open and the General stepped out hatless.
How anyone can take this kind of hatless trash seriously is beyond me!
The shape appeared to be female, hatless, and under four feet tall.
A slim, hatless figure in a dark suit was just coming up the steps.
He was hatless, his blond hair blowing in the wind.
He was hatless, and his black hair showed sleek in the moonlight.
He was hatless, and his clothes were saturated with moisture.
My hatless snake was exposed, not six inches from his face.
There were ten seats at the counter, but I sat down on the one next to the hatless man.
He was a young man, hatless, his long hair mussed from the wind.
He was barefoot and hatless, sitting in the sunshine by the water.
My father, who always wore a hat, was thrilled that the new president went hatless.
A deep sigh came from the hatless little girl.
The Shadow, hatless, allowed a smile to appear upon his lips.
Instead of a wild, hatless girl, we saw a beautiful, carefully dressed young lady.
A hatless man in a dark sweater and trousers doing such a thing would be ordered to stop.
Even in harsh weather, most men now go hatless.
To a milliner's, of course, because being hatless will attract attention.
A strange man, hatless and disheveled, pushed himself to his feet.
It turned out to be a hatless gentleman in evening clothes and a flushed face.
Some one was pacing up and down the garden, hatless, in the dew.
Father Jordan may be hatless, but he wears a ton of hats.