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He ran the length of hauling rope between his hands, measuring off the yards.
If there were two hauling ropes, there would be others as well.
Then you attach hauling ropes, leave your boat, walk along the bank and pull her upstream.
We saw them getting off airplanes, setting right in to shake hand after hand like people hauling rope.
His wide shoulders suggested that he might have begun as a dockman hauling rope instead of wearing it.
Denalle, winding up one of the hauling ropes, groaned.
Keleios was grabbed by hands reddened from hauling rope and casting nets.
They became instant friends, spending afternoons hauling rope and evenings plucking violin strings.
Men pounded along the deck, hauling ropes or flaking them down in readiness for the next command from aft.
After the hauling rope broke, the lower car rolled back and slammed on the wall of the lower station injuring people.
Banouin led the first half of his train aboard, drew up the gate, and helped Calasain with the hauling rope.
My hands blistered from hauling ropes.
They had bars, wedges and timber props, besides chisels and hauling ropes.
Operation A large float and Dan buoy are dropped over the side of the boat with the start of the hauling ropes attached.
These antics are mixed with exuberant pantomiming - hauling rope, reconnoitering through a spyglass, flirting on the fly.
They leaned against the hauling ropes, hands raw, shoulders aching as they fought the slight but long slope up to the final descent into Cascais.
The zoom lens clarified, magnified, until he made out fuzzy bipedal forms, hauling ropes and bustling around on deck, like any gang of human sailors.
The damned workmen left the hauling ropes strewn about,' a mud-splattered priest exclaimed as he scrambled out of the knee-deep mud-hole. '
Around them the crew bustled, swarming into the rigging, hauling ropes, lashing some things down and unlashing others, to orders relayed from the Sailmistress.
A pair of hauling ropes is also fastened to the leading edge of each tank, one rope towards each end of the tank.
Two teams were established, Luton and Fogarty in front hauling ropes, Harry and Trevor in back pushing.
An ordinary seaman did the tedious work of hauling ropes and running aloft to furl and reef sails, he also took his trick at the wheel.
They were lashing the hauling ropes around a twelve-foot block of stone; the rollers were already in place, with the crudely plaited ropes dangling loosely.
Blisters he had bargained for, and sore muscles; heaving crates, lifting spars, and hauling ropes was familiar labor, though he hadn't done it for some time.