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If you had bags under your eyes in the morning, that was good!"
We haven't had a good night's rest in ages, and I have bags under my eyes from lack of sleep.
She had bags under her eyes, but seemed alert, if severe.
My color was bad and I had bags under my eyes.
He had bags under his eyes and squinted into the sunlight.
O'Connor looked very tired; he had bags under his eyes that hadn't been there just two days before.
"They work long hours, so they have bags under their eyes from lack of sleep," she said.
God forbid she ever has bags under her eyes.
He intends to have bags under his eyes removed, he said.
He refused to comment on whether the Duchess was upset that she has bags under her eyes in the painting.
Now the “Wedding Crashers” star parties harder than ever, “which is why he has bags under his eyes and looks so bad,” said an insider.
And you have bags under your eyes.
He had bags under his eyes and for the first time that Kirk could remember, his jacket seemed wrinkled.
Every surgical intern has bags under their eyes.
I had bags under my eyes and to top it off, had broken out around my lips.
It was as if the entire nation was with him in America and we all had bags under our eyes to prove it.
I have bags under my eyes and excess wrinkled skin on my upper eyelids.
I will miss every single person on the team, but I'll see you at other times of the day when I won't have bags under my eyes!
Which is why you have bags under your eyes and incipient ulcers, and I have a wonderful new lover in my life.
“I have so much energy these days, so much more than I did when I was 19 and had bags under my eyes,” she said.
He had bags under his eyes, sunken cheeks and his thin gray beard looked as wispy as ever.
I'm pale and I'm bald, I have bags under my eyes - you could definitely pick me out as a zombie or a dead guy anywhere.
The man has bags under his eyes, not because he chose to have a late night but because Blinky chose not to get out of bed.
Her shift has ended, her feet are aching, she has bags under her eyes and she simply can not muster up any energy to eat.