Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Another goal of the Initiative was to increase the relevancy problem in schools.
Outside training is granted based on relevancy to position and funding.
"But I cannot see that it has any relevancy today.
The study of Latin was nearly killed off by the 60's cries for relevancy.
It also reflects the increased relevancy of our activities to individuals.
Imagery is so important in generating relevancy to one's life.
"I might say that you are too big: size is a matter of relevancy.
The past 30 years have seen an increase in the relevancy, importance of our community European heritage.
Although the store has all but lost its relevancy in today's market, the news still strikes me as the end of an era.
"I went on a little expedition this morning and found something that has more immediate relevancy."
The dynamics of the relationship are far from clear, though I do not doubt that there is some relevancy involved.
"You see almost nothing like that in advertising," where 60 or 70 percent relevancy rates are the norm.
Will its new search technology attain anything even close to Google's "relevancy?"
Tommy asked, steering the conversation back at least to basic relevancy.
"Some of our units are in the last days of their relevancy," he said.
Or is it an examination whose relevancy has passed, as its critics assert?
Google combines all these measures into a final relevancy score.
Second chapter specifically deals with the relevancy of the facts.
Therefore, relevancy to the student is essential for learning.
The key to the success of trigger based marketing is timing and relevancy.
Once every ten years Links are found automatically and then selected for relevancy.
The value can be helpful for determining the relevancy or depth of the article.
"This ruling, however, goes only to the relevancy of the testimony.
"In this court you are confined to discussing the relevancy of evidence.
The criterion is the relevancy of color to a legitimate government purpose."
The people who understand the relevance of science are already getting the information.
But not everyone gets the relevance of what he is talking about.
No one seemed to question its relevance to the issue in hand.
I see the family as having a very real relevance both at the beginning and end of life.
They talk about the relevance of the film to their lives.
The film also had relevance to his own life, he said.
The social relevance, however, has a long way to go.
Even where services are available, their quality and relevance may be low.
I saw no particular relevance to that, and said so.
But does it have any relevance for all the young black men and women?
Then we can get into what relevance this book may have in 1999.
What relevance did they have if there was no other man like him?
To me, the past had no relevance; only the present and the future did.
For most of us, this has no relevance to anything going on in the real world.
Other times, he would ask questions that were of little relevance, or made no sense at all.
And does it have any relevance to the post-9/11 world?
The report is quite clearly of great relevance to our committee.
They are the people to whom the Bill will have some relevance.
There was a case here that might have some relevance.
As for the political relevance of our project, we think that it is very real.
I am older than he, but this has little relevance in our society.
Do they have any direct relevance to our own lives?
The test of a great film is not its relevance to world events.
It is hard for them to find the relevance to their lives of the words that are being used.
All too often, children view what they do in school as having little relevance to their daily lives.