"have the guts" in Polish — inglés-Polish dictionary | Mirar "have the guts" in inglés

have the guts

  1. mieć odwagę
  1. jelito, kiszka informal [COUNTABLE]
    He took out the guts of the animal.
    link synonyms: intestine, bowel
  2. naciąg (np. rakiety, skrzypiec) informal [UNCOUNTABLE]
    He bought a racket with gut.
  3. bęben, będzol, brzuch slang [COUNTABLE]
    She punched him in the gut!
    He's a fat man with a large gut.
    Put on a shirt, nobody wants to look at your gut!
  1. patroszyć, bebeszyć, wybebeszać informal [TRANSITIVE]
    Those guys with knives will gut you if you say a word.
    He gutted the fish before cooking it.
    Can you gut this duck?
  2. przeszukać, wywrócić do góry nogami informal [TRANSITIVE]
    Gut this place!
    They gutted my room but they didn't find anything.
  3. doszczętnie zniszczyć, trawić (o ogniu, pożarze) [INTRANSITIVE]
    My flat was gutted by fire last night.
    W tym znaczeniu "gut" jest najczęściej używane w stronie biernej.
  1. pierwotny, instynktowny (o uczuciu, wrażeniu) informal
    I have a gut feeling that something isn't right.
    You should trust your gut impression.
  2. podstawowy, zasadniczy informal
    There is a gut difference between me and you - I'm honest and you're not.
  1. wnętrzności, bebechy, flaki informal
    He looks like he wanted to rip your guts out.
  2. odwaga informal
    I admire your guts, kid, but it won't be enough.
    I don't think I have the guts to give a lecture on this topic.
  3. obżartuch, głodomór informal