Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
They went to bed early, in preparation for a heavy day.
In the summer, the heaviest day at the course can approach 700 players.
Would you believe that suicide rates increased on heavy days?
We have a very heavy day ahead of us.
On a heavy day, those belts might handle up to 200,000 cases of goods.
Quite tired from a heavy day, the girl had fallen half asleep upon her bed.
On Wednesday, another heavy day, 222.4 million shares were traded.
Barney quietly went to sleep and prepared himself for a heavy day.
It was twilight, the cool ending to a long, heavy day.
Anyway, he disappeared soon after you left - told Stella he'd had a heavy day and was off to bed with a book.
I understand the importance of the statement, but we have a heavy day ahead of us.
At length one heavy day, she fled from home.
The flow moved back up today to an estimated 1,000, but Monday is usually the heaviest day.
The water issues accounted for more than half the business on the heaviest days trading since January.
On a heavy day, even a casual fisher might catch several dozen of the species.
Alack the heavy day When such a sacred king should hide his head!
It is two o'clock and we all have a heavy day before us.'
By all accounts you've had a shocking night-- and we've a heavy day ahead of us.
"Sunday is a heavy day for us, because everyone's inventory runs low at the end of the week and they need deliveries," he said yesterday.
Often, these clots are shed on the heaviest days of bleeding.
And, by your own admission, we've got a heavy day tomorrow.'
Monday, the traditional washing day, was a heavy day for all mothers then.
Quite apart from the vines, I have a heavy day ahead of me - a lot of serious talking to do.
It was early afternoon, and a heavy day.
The two have been collecting trash that has accumulated in the square during heavy days of protest with no government services.