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Heddle held the seat at the 1987 general election.
The heddle should also be light and not bulky.
Each heddle has an eye in the center where the warp is threaded through.
The warp must be able to slide through the heddle without impairment.
A heddle is an integral part of a loom.
The lower end of the heddle leaves are attached to treadles or marches.
This is achieved because each thread of the warp goes through a heddle on a shaft.
The loops on the ends are where the shaft goes through the heddle, and the center loop is the eye.
Each thread had to pass through the correct eye in the heddle, and through the reed.
A very simple string heddle can be made with a series of five knots, and five loops.
Rigid heddle looms resemble the standard floor loom in appearance.
It was a rod inserted into the warp to ease in weaving, and came about at the same time as the heddle.
Ian Heddle scored to seal a 1-0 victory.
Police were called and a police surgeon later certified Mr Heddle dead.
Masha Heddle was bowing and smiling her hideous red smile.
The third warp thread would be threaded through the second heddle on the first shaft, and so on.
Cord deteriorates, however, and creates friction between the warp and the heddle.
Today, commercially produced backstrap loom kits often include a rigid heddle.
In rigid heddle looms the beater is combined with the heddles.
Mr Heddle was a former surveyor and an underwriting member of Lloyds.
Both are floor looms in which every warp thread on the loom is attached to a single shaft using a device called a heddle.
Each thread or group of threads of the warp passes through an opening (eye) of a heddle.
The heddle rods are blood-wet spears.
The marriage was dissolved in 1985, and in 1986 Mr Heddle married his second wife, Janet.
Masha Heddle was beside herself.