Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Before he could think how to answer her, she rushed on heedlessly.
One longed at times to see her heedlessly let go.
But running about heedlessly wasn't what the situation called for; thinking was.
She plunged heedlessly through the grass and into the water.
They walked over the dead line heedlessly, forgetting why it came to be there.
One can plunge in heedlessly or do a little homework first.
Heedlessly, I reached in and took out a book, not caring what the title read.
Come to that, when had I last slept with a heedlessly open bedroom door?
And his blunt talk about race can seem heedlessly provocative.
He went on, heedlessly: "I've got to tell you some special things now.
The others ran heedlessly out onto the flat black borderland.
He opened the package, letting the brown paper drift down heedlessly by his feet.
There was no recognition in his eyes this time, and he floundered on heedlessly.
Then she was gone, heels ticking heedlessly down the corridor.
He began to work slowly, letting the clippings fall heedlessly to the ground.
Hysteria sent them running heedlessly onto the waiting cold, white steel.
Heedlessly, he pulled more of the magic to him.
"The crofts looked in need of repair," she said heedlessly.
"Yes, child," said his mother heedlessly, thinking only of what she should do after to-morrow.
He yanked off his plaid and tossed it heedlessly behind him.
For all too long have we heedlessly tampered with nature's delicate framework.
He was already running, sprinting heedlessly through the market.
Kurt, wrapped in his thoughts, walked heedlessly, and at last broke out again.
She knocked, and the weird sound went on heedlessly.
"A lot of damage is done to property by foolish reports heedlessly circulated."