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It was always going to be a Herculean task to get through.
She could almost feel the herculean effort he was making to stay calm.
Give her a task more Herculean than domestic, and see how she'd make out.
Providing all that is a herculean task for any paper company.
It's a resolution that takes a herculean effort to keep.
Based on his herculean effort today, he belongs in this company.
With a herculean effort he flung himself into the river.
Maybe the Democrats can blow 2006 as they did 2004, but not without herculean effort.
"We're only able to be in this position because of herculean efforts" by employees, he said.
It was only through his mother's Herculean efforts that the family stayed together at all.
He dropped his hand again, made what appeared to be a herculean effort for control.
All his Herculean efforts to move it were in vain.
So to create an effective plan on one's own would be a Herculean achievement.
And that's only the first labor of the day for this herculean cop.
The fat man couldn't get to his feet without an herculean effort.
Even picking a product to make is a herculean task.
There had to be an explanation for the Herculean undertaking.
She said good night, from her Herculean labors in the kitchen.
Why is such a herculean project not under way?
But it was going to take a herculean effort to beat me."
It worked, but had required herculean efforts to draw visitors.
To bring back normal life for people here will be a Herculean task."
Her efforts to get in to see her father had been herculean.
To attempt such a thing would be herculean and quixotic.
The project was somewhat Herculean since 441 signs were to be replaced.