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Allen is a brand of hand tools most widely known for hex key wrenches.
The standard generic name used in catalogs and published books and journals is "hex key".
The match grade barrel is mounted fully floated and can be easily exchanged in the field with the help of a 5 mm hex key.
The term "hex key" has various synonyms.
Some features of hex keys are:
Also known as "hex key".
It is usually with a hex key that the bodhrán skins are tightened or loosened depending on the atmospheric conditions.
The galvanized malleable fittings provide resistance to corrosion and are secured to the tubes using set screws by use of a hex key.
Tapestry uses SHA-1 to produce a 160-bit identifier space represented by a 40 digit hex key.
Hex keys are measured across-flats (AF), which is the distance between two opposite (parallel) flat sides of the key.
This type of hex key was invented in 1964 by the Bondhus Corporation, and is now manufactured by several other companies.
Hex keys are made by imparting the hexagon cross-section to steel wire (for example, with a die), then bending and shearing.
Less expensive options include replacing standard quick release skewers with skewers that need a standard hex key to be opened.
The clamps of some modern composite chinrests are adjusted with a small Phillips screwdriver or with a hex key.
The Lasersaur is simple to build, using only basic tools (a hand drill, metric hex key set, wire cutter and soldering iron).
These theatres will typically keep a T-handled hex key as it is easier and faster to use than a traditional L-shaped Allen wrench.
The Klein Tools corporate headquarters, which also includes a manufacturing facility, producing multiple product lines of screwdrivers, nut drivers, and hex keys.
Despite hex keys not being very rare, this method still guards the bicycle from casual opportunists, needing the less common tool and more time to be removed.
The detents can easily be removed and cleaned or replaced using an o-ring pick to remove them and a hex key to push them back in.
Common usage in Singapore and Malaysia, as spoken by many recorded telephone directory-assistance menus: 'Please enter your phone number followed by the hex key'.
The first to be added and most obvious is a locking plate on the head nut, tightened with a hex key to fix the strings at this point after tuning.
The terms "Allen wrench" and "Allen key" are derived from the Allen brand name and refer to the generic product category "hex keys."
He extended the hex wrench from his belt to Faquar.
Using a hex wrench on a socket that is too large may result in damage to the fastener or the tool.
In quick motions with the hex wrench he unfastened the plate, then laid it aside.
It manufactures over 300 products that range from wheel truing stands to hex wrenches.
These fasteners are said to have a "center pin reject" feature to prevent standard hex wrenches from working.
With a sigh, he picked up the long-handled miniature hex wrench and began to remove the cover to the drive controls.
Hex socket drive systems are driven by hex wrenches or power tools with hexagonal bits.
With a service hex wrench, he unfastened the top cover and peered at the maze of glass cables and power beam guides.
I held the heavy plastic collar around his right ankle while he worked feverishly with needle-nose pliers, a screwdriver, and a hex wrench.
It could be assembled "using a screwdriver and hex wrenches from components that fit into a couple of large duffel bags and some cardboard boxes."
The Apple Macintosh takes this one step further, requiring not only a hex wrench but a specialized case-cracking tool to open the box.)
Substitute an Allen wrench, also called a hex wrench, with a comfortable handle for the small "special" wrench in many kits that tighten fasteners with sockets instead of slots.
On some faucets, these seats are removable and can be replaced - a special tool, something like a large Allen wrench or hex wrench, is used - to remove the old seat and install the new one.
Faucet-repair kits usually contain the correct hex wrench; if not, get one at a hardware store (after estimating the size needed, buy three or four in the general range; at about 15 cents apiece, this is not a great investment).
Looking very much like an oversized Allen wrench or hex wrench (in fact, for many of the older faucets you can use a large Allen wrench to remove the valve seat), some versions of this tool have both a square and a hex-shaped section at one end (as shown here).
Conversions to other calibers and barrel lengths can be performed in 2 to 3 minutes without the need of a trained armorer, and using only a standard hex wrench, and consist of changing to the appropriately chambered barrel and bolt, replacing brass deflector (optional) and insertion of appropriate magazine.
Stripping down the 887 does not require any tools (with the exception of the Tactical Model which does require a hex wrench and screwdriver to remove the barrel/magazine clamp), unlike the 870, and stripping down the 887 is much quicker; it only takes two minutes to field strip an 887 and reassemble.
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