Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
In the last weeks of winter the war seemed to hibernate.
The crew is still on board, not dead but only hibernating.
If the weather outside is cold, they will hibernate for a few days.
They are active throughout the year and do not hibernate.
What about wear on the hard drive from hibernating 2-3 times a day?
In one episode, he is found by Red to be hibernating.
Some animals hibernate, usually during the winter, when food is short.
They do not hibernate, but become less active in winter.
Of the nine on the Moon, three were hibernating for the night.
They just hibernate until market conditions change and investors are ready for them again.
ON the whole, your car battery would rather hibernate until spring.
It hibernates for the second time and constructs yet another case.
Many animals hibernate, although mice have never been among them.
In the northern part of their range, adults may hibernate.
The wood turtle may hibernate alone or in large groups.
Now some bears are starting to hibernate, something they have never done before.
Adults can be found all year long although they usually hibernate during the cold winter months.
She was saving her energy, hibernating like a little animal.
The ways in which animals can hibernate provide the most amazing stories.
Or will they hibernate over the winter and be back in larger numbers next spring?
It's a time to rest, to hibernate from the rat race.
"Looks like he'll have to hibernate for a season," he said.
The adults emerge in late summer then hibernate until the following year.
Hibernating most of the time, but I've still had more than enough."
But the genre is definitely hibernating for the high summer.