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When I give you the high sign, come on out.
"I drive down the street and people give me the high sign."
But you can go out an give him de high sign."
"Sure, and once you gave us the high sign there was no reason to wait.
They both turned and gave us the high sign.
I'll give you the high sign if I need you along.
We stopped before a door where he peered through a small glass window and gave somebody the high sign.
Biff, having received the high sign from Frank, did the same.
The sound man with his earphones gave Johnny a high sign.
If you think we can get by the cops without being stopped, give us the high sign."
One gave me the high sign, and I returned to my interview chair in the waterfall room.
Quinn, without turning around, raised her hand and flashed him a high sign, Get ready.
I gave him the high sign with both hands, grabbed the standard before it could topple.
He gave me the high sign, so we could get away with the moll."
Just give me a high sign when you want another, Andy doesn't know how to make them."
Zavala got into the cabin and gave Austin the high sign.
The singer laughed and gave him the high sign.
Tubby grinned and gave him a high sign as he climbed down.
We worship the frog as the high sign of ourselves."
"Waiting for me to pass them the high sign.
Pull up when the old flunky gives the high sign."
Until some bozo shows up an' passes me the high sign."
I gives de high sign; but de cab starts away.
She'd meant to lift it and give him a high sign, but it was too much effort.
"Look, these dingoes come into the alley and you give them the high sign to go get me.