Therefore, although similar to lofexidine, clonidine is most frequently prescribed to treat high-blood pressure.
It is not surprising that heart disease, high-blood pressure, diabetes and obesity are common here.
Men are also more prone throughout most of their lives to high-blood pressure, but as women get older, this advantage disappears.
All patients are screened for diabetes, high-blood pressure and high cholesterol.
The disease has been associated with a variety of serious health problems, including high-blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes.
He was rushed to hospital where he was treated for high-blood pressure but died the following day.
His enjoyment was cut short; in 1932 he began to suffer from severe headaches, caused by high-blood pressure.
We gravitated toward the less familiar items, beginning with jellyfish salad, a Chinese antidote to high-blood pressure.
Complaints such as arthritis, cellulite, high-blood pressure and even depression have been linked to poor lymphatic drainage.
Sales of Diovan were up 31 percent, aided by a campaign in the United States to prevent high-blood pressure.