India's higher-education commission reported that of more than 31,000 higher-education institutions, only 4,532 schools were accredited.
The University is a certified higher-education institution with more than 500 full-time lecturers.
It was the first higher-education institution in the Soviet Union that offered an English language-based business education.
The University Senate appointed a committee with a task to make a feasibility study for establishing a higher-education institution in the field of information technologies.
Therefore, the University Council made an official decision on 10 October 1997 to establish a new higher-education institution.
With thousands of higher-education institutions operating in the United States today, deciding on the "right" college is not an easy task.
Ms. Wilson said she finds that most higher-education institutions are designed by men for men.
The term "university" is used to describe higher-education institutions offering locally conferred degrees.
It is to that end that we must maximize the resources of our higher-education institutions and work-development programs.
Virtually all Girard graduates are accepted into colleges and universities with approximately 95% continuing to higher-education institutions.