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They were upon the highroad now, but he did not put her down.
There's a man on the highroad and another in the lane.
They are a large crowd who follow me down the highroad until it has changed into a street.
To follow the highroad, was certainly to go the shortest way.
He felt that he was on the highroad at last.
The other led to the highroad and the river.
They had turned some way north from the highroad to reach the lights of the manor.
Its line is in the main closely followed by the modern coast highroad.
They went along under the trees of the highroad.
Run on, dear; you know the way to where the avenue joins the highroad.
At the crossing of the stream the tracks turned toward the highroad, and I went after her.
This particular block and the one beyond it formed a highroad of the bad lands.
It seemed a highroad, but there was no traffic and she met no one.
"I guessed it by merely looking at her on the highroad that day.
He moved forward a few yards more from the highroad, and sat down in the grass of the slope, with his back against a tree.
The money that would put his feet back on the highroad was finally within his grasp.
The house stands in its own grounds, but the west side of it is not more than thirty yards from the highroad.
If we can do that, we will be on the highroad to solving all our problems.
Once on the highroad the count walked so rapidly that his companion had to run in order to follow him.
Yes, I am sure they will have turned eastward when they reached the highroad.
"How will we know the highroad is safe?"
Not until they were out on the silent highroad did he say sadly, "I have failed of my mission.
He is fuller of boredom than a steer drawing a cart on the highroad.
Walking across the town toward the highroad, and passing by the tavern, I looked up and into the eyes of a girl.
Then he followed a pathway through the wood until he came to the highroad, where all traces were lost.