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Back home in Hillside, her father took one look and called the police.
After only a few minutes, the hillside began to feel natural.
Then he turned and started down the hillside before her.
She turned for a moment and looked behind, on the hillside.
Then he looked up at the hillside for his two friends.
She thought back to the moment of truth on the hillside.
He opened his eyes and the hillside was the same.
"Why would your men need to be on the open hillside?"
The hillside looked almost as if it were on fire.
It was dark by the time we left the hillside.
They passed the church and started back down the hillside.
He was standing head down on the hillside not far away.
So is this the same man as the one who works at Hillside?
He could have been the man who shot at us from the hillside.
Not waiting for an answer, he was already making his way down the hillside.
A few years later the school was moved to another building on a hillside behind main street.
He came down a hillside a little fast, and nearly lost control.
He was walking away from the house, up the hillside.
She rose up just enough to fire at the hillside.
He moved forward, the other two following, and a door opened in the hillside.
It is a long and low church standing on a hillside.
It's off on a hillside, about three miles north of town.
We saw a white house under some trees on the hillside.
Slowly, they turned, and began to go down the hillside.
She sat with her back against a rock on the hillside.