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How on earth was she going to explain that to the hirers?
And when the hirer is also the owner, the rules are very different.
Second, the plaintiffs were not regular hirers of such equipment.
Fair number of fishermen with their boats, available for hirer.
If the hirer insists on credit card details, just tell them you do not have one.
But why does the hirer insist on signing the contract in blood?
As of the first day in a temporary role, the hirer must give agency workers:
This provided the hirers would pay for recovery expenses.
At first instance the judge held the term putting the cost of recovery on the hirer was not incorporated.
It is a contract of hire which also gives the hirer an option to purchase the goods.
This echo of Kite Hill brought his hirer to mind.
A hirer is entitled to recover any money they have paid for unlawful fees.
Often, hirers find themselves comparing educational backgrounds and where the applicant grew up with their own experiences.
People looking for a job pay from twenty to fifty dollars a month to have their profile listed and matched with potential hirers.
The hirer therefore won his claim for damages.
This year alone, Enterprise is preparing to hire 10,000 college graduates for its management training program, making it one of the nation's largest hirers.
A hirer can sell the products if, and only if, he has purchased the goods finally or else not to any other third party.
For example, hirer X may pay £1000 for a 1 week hire.
Rates vary depending on the hirer, but a jeep can usually be had for about $35 a day.
Whether the Insured has a right of recovery against the Hirer (plant hired out).
After the contract was made, the hirer brought a claim for damages for misrepresentation.
The assassins were hanged on March 10, 1682 though their alleged hirer was acquitted.
It only excluded liability towards the hirers themselves.
(2) Do not take long hire periods if you are not certain of the hirer or the goods.
The hirer had an option to purchase on paying all the instalments and could terminate the agreement at any time.