Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Why he had hoarded the paper is a different matter.
And no one realized how much money they were hoarding.
I would eat one or two and then keep the rest for months, hoarding them.
"What I see here is hoarding, and we are going to move these products."
"We still have some 212 and 917 numbers being hoarded by small companies," she said.
If music is ending, I want to know what to hoard.
All girls and women hoarded something they never spoke of.
But along the line, hoarded inventory will come back into the market.
Those days, people hoarded coins in bad times and small change became hard to find.
Or maybe she'd got even more, and was just hoarding the hundred grand.
Greed also came in because you wanted to hoard the experience.
He had hoarded, all these years, I found, to good purpose.
People hoard so much that they purchase to use only once.
Let him hoard money, that's all that sort wants anyway.
This was particularly serious since farmers began to hoard food.
This was his secret, hoarded for a time when its use would be of most value to him.
When capital is hoarded by a few, then society falls.
And because information is power, there can be a tendency to hoard it.
The sentence for hoarding had been 10 to 15 years in prison.
He must hoard what remained for when it was truly needed.
He was like a child who had hoarded tuck under his bed.
"The Government is the monster, hoarding the knowledge that we are not alone."
But she didn't tell him yet, hoarding it for herself.
The brown showed that either he or his family had attempted to hoard food.
"So we can watch our children starve while you hoard?"