Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
She seems at first to be that hoary child of nature.
The way he said it made eleven years seem like hoary old age.
Everything about the place carried the impression of hoary age.
A man doesn't get hoary enough in five hundred years.
Or it may simply mean that hoary political tradition dies hard.
Although telephone is still a live word, telegraph was getting a little hoary.
A mother who has given a young daughter to a hoary old man prefers to keep her distance.
But she refuses to play a role in the hoary media ritual.
Like the one I had at first seen in the hold, they all bore about them the marks of a hoary old age.
Now he can see the tree he'll hit, a big, hoary old pine.
But being a year or so behind the social curve is the least of this hoary comedy's problems.
They still will fit her, even to hoary Age.
The war had pooled bitterness in his great, hoary form.
Hoary tradition or modern scam meant to take in the Americans?
It's a hoary one at that: the higher the interest, the greater the risk - which, of course, cuts both ways.
But it's time that this hoary, old commonplace was overturned.
Next to Google, a professor may seem like a hoary vessel of knowledge indeed.
The hoary definition of tradition as the last bad performance may never have been more apt than here.
Hoary old reprobate-maudlin with drink by now, I should say.
And some are hoary in youth, but the late young keep long young.
The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers," goes the hoariest saw in the book.
Science has a hoary tradition of exaggerated and false promises.
The captain saw that the fur of his muzzle was hoary.
All was well until a group of hoary old printers got on the bus a mile or two later.
"It is a mix of new writers and hoary old characters like me," he said.