It's like you are volunteering your data to be held ransom.
The body was held ransom in an attempt to extort money from Oona Chaplin.
They save Piper's father, whom Enceladus has held ransom, and Hera.
It is being held ransom by an unknown organization that demands $100,000 be donated to a free school for the manuscript's return.
I feel sorry for Boehner, even he can't get any resolution and moderate Republicans are saying they're being held ransom to the Tea Party.
Life was too short to be held ransom by a bunch of two-bit politicians, he said.
But how can the company provide better quality, food, meals, etc when they have to stay alive because they are held ransom by their staff.
Were you kidnapped and held ransom?
This is about the whole world being held ransom by a nuclear bomb that can be transported in a suitcase.
The big banks are so interconnected, and so important to the economy, that they can hold it ransom.