Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
But now was not the time to ask for home leave.
He works 12-hour days for one month, then takes home leave the following month.
Just for two weeks before we have our home leave together.'
The man has convictions for violence and failed to return from home leave three weeks ago.
The owners of about 45 homes left, but the majority in the city remained.
When he went home a year later, there was not much home left.
It was as if they already knew the horrible answer to their questions: There are no homes left here.
They've no means to find their way back, and they'll have no home left here to come to.
You were supposed to get home leaves but every time I was due for mine they used to stop it.
Then, after home leave, she returned to the Far East to work for the security service.
"I might have a few cans of stuff from home left out back.
For many, the meaning of home left with them.
Often they need people to relieve long-term missionaries on home leave.
A little home leave, visiting the old homestead, I'm sure.
But I, sir, have home leave for the first time in ten years, and intend to enjoy it.
Police say the episode raises serious questions about home leave for prisoners.
His last flight was just before he was to go on home leave by the end of which the War would be over.
I see we have what looks like a full house so it's obvious we gave you more than enough home leave.
He escaped while on home leave but was later re-arrested.
The first few visits back home left me cold.
After this, the troops all received two weeks home leave, staggered from their arrival.
The violation of my home leaves me feeling naked and vulnerable.
"Am I released for my home leave after that?"
"Yes, he'd wondered why you seemed to be avoiding him this home leave.
First home leave in three galactic years and I have to time my arrival with the plague's.