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I mean to tell you a few home truths about your situation here.
Maybe we should listen to our friends when they tell us a few home truths.
The time has also come to spell out a few home truths.
So, and it has been said many times already, we need to tell Turkey some home truths.
But will people listen to uncomfortable home truths about our future?
More interesting, however, are the occasional home truths about the way the business works and what it does to people.
It was not so long ago, really, that such ideas were accepted as home truths.
Especially with some of the home truths they were hurling at each other.
"Because I want to tell you a home truth."
If you want to learn some home truths I cannot recommend this article highly enough.
Pat opened her mouth to tell the general a few more home truths about himself, but then closed it again.
It's full of home truths you won't find anywhere else.
Knowing her for this short period had blessed his life, but now it was time to own up to a few home truths.
Maxim had heard more home truths about himself than he could ever have imagined.
He moved his shoulders, abruptly aware of an uncomfortable home truth.
Arnold might not be getting any answers, but he was about to deliver one or two home truths.
And many other home truths which he did not find pleasant hearing."
But even the daughters of college presidents ought to be told a few home truths now and then.
He toyed with telling her a few home truths, but then decided it would do no good.
Expect home truths from a youngster or relative on Sunday.
He spoke "the deep, secret language of home truths," she wrote in a 1990 article.
This summit is a time for some home truths.
Home truths are often more amusing when not at home.
I felt myself flush with that annoyance which a home truth inspires.
I suppose she faced him with it and he told her a few home truths about their relationship."