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In my homeless state, I listened to these independent old ladies and vowed to remember both tactics when my time came.
Due to the homeless state of their schedule, players and league officials nicknamed the Minneapolis team, The Orphans.
So, Ananda, women may retire from household life to the homeless state, under the doctrine and discipline announced by the Tathagata."
When the holidays were coming, contributions were solicited for certain boys whose relatives were in India, and who were appealed for under the generic name of 'Holiday-stoppers,' - appropriate marks of remembrance that should enliven and cheer them in their homeless state.
The Blessed One declared: "Women are competent, Ananda, if they retire from household life to the homeless state, under the doctrine and discipline announced by the Tathagata, to attain to thefruit of conversion, to attain to a release from a wearisome repetition of rebirths, to attain to saintship.