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But first there was one more stop at the hopscotch board.
Never in all the children's world a hopscotch like this!
This game can also be played on a hopscotch court.
Hopscotch is a children's game that can be played with several players or alone.
To play hopscotch, a course is first laid out on the ground.
Entering a new year is a bit like playing hopscotch.
There was often a hopscotch grid in the same area, but not always.
Hopscotch said they had to come of their own free will."
Apparently, the old guy, Hopscotch, had not been able to get a date.
It is sometimes used by children to draw a four square court or a hopscotch board.
She had been watching a game of hopscotch on the sidewalk when it happened.
I told him that it was kind of like my granddaughter playing hopscotch.
Hopscotch is one of the most amazing books written in any literature.
There are many other forms of hopscotch played across the globe.
And so there is hopscotch on the street between the tenements.
The girls (and sometimes the boys) play a very elaborate kind of hopscotch.
Inanimate things, including the game of hopscotch, should have numbers.
She recognized it as a hopscotch game drawn on the sidewalk.
In the middle of the road was a chalked hopscotch path.
Indeed, one of the show's highlights is hopscotch, which turns out to be almost universal.
He stopped to say something to a neighbor girl who was playing hopscotch, and I aimed at his lower back.
Once he was discovered after a service playing hopscotch.
If your kids are young, they might enjoy hopscotch or hide-and-seek.
This time, Hopscotch had a flashlight, which he shined into her face.
Kids on the streets of other cities play hopscotch.