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They can be described as "an horary chart set for a certain time in the future."
The Lot of Fortune mainly appears today in horary practice.
It acts as a guide in horary astrology when there is a stalemate.
Horary astrology: the astrology of the time the question was asked.
Fundamental to horary astrology is the concept of planetary dignity and reception.
Horary astrology has its own strict system.
As part of their training the boxing team moved to Corea, in order to assimilate the horary changes.
This consisted of twelve lessons, the last of which required students to make a successful prediction using horary astrology.
Worked examples of horary charts are found in Volume 2 of Christian Astrology.
The usual examples are liturgical horary prayer, the canonical hours of the priest, or an office of the Breviary.
According to this modern interpretation there is a fluid connection between the notions of electional and horary astrology.
Houses play a more crucial role in horary astrology than they do in other branches of astrology.
Understanding the correct house for the context of the question is pivotal to the correct interpretation of a horary question.
However, some horary astrologers consider a retrograde significator a good sign that the object will come back, or be found.
Richard II (1396) era equal hour horary quadrant (pictures):
Lilly was particularly adept at interpreting the astrological charts drawn up for horary questions, as this was his speciality.
The state of Kerala, in India, is famous even today for its traditional use of horary astrology.
Typically, a horary chart is read by first assigning the thing asked about, the quesited, to a particular house in the chart.
In traditional horary astrology, Exaltation denotes a level of dignity somewhat exaggerated compared to rulership.
His book 'Christian Astrology' is in print and widely used in the modern day practice of horary astrology.
Prasna Tantra is a famous work of Neelakantha on Horary astrology.
Prasna Marga is the most comprehensive and elaborate exposition of Horary astrology.
Other key elements used in horary astrology include the lunar nodes, the planetary antiscia, the fixed stars and the Arabic parts.
His endorsement of astrology is limited, in so far as he condemns horary astrology as 'sorcery'.
Reception refers to how each planet in a horary question chart "view" or "receive'" each other, either favourably, unfavourably, or somewhere in between.