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I was trying to help but my hormones kept getting in the way.
Hormones work for up to 90 out of 100 women.
And what exactly are those hormones doing in your body?
About 80 percent of the women who start taking hormones stop on their own within a few years.
But other hormones should be taken for only a few months or a couple of years.
As you age, your body makes less of this hormone.
One life is not enough for somebody with her hormones.
My hormones were running away with me at that age.
This effect can last until several months after you stop taking hormones.
And that is with natural hormones, the ones in your body.
There is also some evidence that hormones play a role.
I know of only one study in this country that has used human hormones.
Why are the numbers so high; do hormones play a role?
They do help, but not enough for me to completely cut out the hormones.
When the hormones get just right, there's nothing like it in the world.
It has a special effect on the hormones of young girls.
Certainly his male hormones have in every other way turned him into a man.
Find out what else women need to know about male hormones.
Women are much more likely to report sleep problems, and hormones may be the reason.
"What would happen if this hormone were given to someone?"
In the case of hormones, however, this cannot be done.
"They'll have to do another to see how much the hormone goes up."
Of course, having these new hormones working you over helped a lot in that area.
We'll look at human growth hormones in the next section.