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The study focused on a hormonelike component in soy known as genistein.
At Chicago he concentrated on the synthesis of prostaglandins, a group of hormonelike fatty acids found throughout the body.
Two of the most changed genes were ones involved in the detection of pheromones, the hormonelike scents with which fruit flies signal their activities.
Like aspirin, ibuprofen works by inhibiting the action of hormonelike chemicals in the body called prostaglandins, which are involved in both inflammation and menstrual pain.
For years the hormonelike drugs have been used by adult athletes who were willing to risk possible long-term damage for what they believed was a short-term competitive edge.
She will return to the doctor's office 36 to 48 hours later to take two tablets of a second drug, misoprostol, a prostaglandin or hormonelike substance that will make her uterus contract, expelling the fetal tissue.
Older Nsaids like aspirin and ibuprofen work by inhibiting a pair of enzymes called COX-1 and -2 (for cyclooxygenase), needed to produce hormonelike substances called prostaglandins, which cause pain and inflammation.
Hormonelike substances called prostaglandins may also be involved; these are produced in the body from substances found in polyunsaturated vegetable oils, and they are found in unusually large amounts in cancerous breast tissue.
Those derived from fish livers could contain toxic amounts of vitamins A and D. Fish oils stimulate production of a hormonelike substance, prostaglandin E3, that increases bone loss and thus may raise the risk of osteoporosis, a disease common among Eskimos, who are very heavy fish eaters.