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How many babies does it take to paint a house red?
We do not mourn our father's passing with house red.
I ordered a half bottle of the house red without calling for the wine list.
Limited wine list with house reds and whites for $8 a glass.
And if you haven’t brought your own bottle of wine, wash it all down with Gianni’s dry house red.
She said that she'd be happy with wine so he caught somebody's eye and asked for a carafe of the house red.
Naked Grape wines are not just your usual 'house red or white' quality.
The waiter came by with a menu, and he waved it away, asking only for a glass of the house red.
It was my house red for a period.
We even had to choose the house red!
"I nodded, indicating The too," and asked for a half-bottle of the house red.
Accompanying our meals we chose house red and white from an almost exclusively French menu.
The house red is always drinkable, always local, and better value than a bottle from the list.
Even so, here was the opportunity to wash down the meal with another of the country's tolerable house reds.
I suggest the decent house red or white.
To drink: water and a decent house red.
An extensive wine list (plenty of glasses and half bottles – good for them) was rather let down by an insipid house red.
In restaurants it will be considered prudent, and not the behaviour of a tightwad oik, to order the house red.
A glass of house red levitates in homage.
Perhaps that should be House red.
As bags and coats and portfolios are stowed, a house red is delivered all around.
Includes a complimentary glass of house red, white or sparkling wine, soft drink or juice.
The restaurant has a license for beer and wine,but wine is limited to the house red and white.
They take the house red.
'He's currently appearing in hamburger medium-rare, salad, no fries and a glass of house red.