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The human testing is hoped to be ready within two or three years.
But he said further animal tests were needed before human testing could begin.
Human testing is typically the most expensive part of the drug development process.
Human testing to show effectiveness is required for all drugs.
One of the study's authors cited higher costs involved with human testing.
No cases of a human testing positive for the virus have been reported in Connecticut.
They reveal that the pills may be ready for human testing within three years.
It did not work as hoped, but researchers noticed its effect on men during human testing.
And it hopes to begin human testing of an arthritis drug this year.
The information collected from these studies is vital so that safe human testing can begin.
"We moved into human testing, and that increased our interest in making sure this had patent protection."
"We certainly cannot draw the conclusion that it's human testing."
The drugs will still have to be shown effective and safe in two phases of human testing.
"Our work with animals is very promising, but we've just begun human testing."
The lens has been tested on rabbits and is expected to move to human testing within the next few months.
"Drugs in Phase 3 sometimes drop out," he said, referring to the last stage of human testing.
Adam didn't push the issue, saying, "If the drug is close to being released, then you've started human testing."
It would be criminal if we allowed for even the possibility of unscrupulous human testing.
It had approached regulators, who agreed with the company's decision to stop all human testing by Sept. 1.
The drug must meet safety criteria by being subject to extensive animal and controlled human testing.
Human testing is likely to be years away, if it occurs at all, depending on the results of the animal experiments.
Although the vaccine is not yet ready for human testing, it has potential for use in people, researchers say.
For special drugs, the agency said it would streamline its usual three stages of human testing.
New drugs now go through three phases of human testing and evaluation that take an average of eight years.
It has entered the third and most expensive phase of clinical trials, involving human testing.