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She has lost any ability to see humanness in humans.
Never before had he pulled the rank of his humanness on her.
She had been in danger of losing her own humanness to them.
I dare anyone to watch these images and not feel their humanness.
Yours is the last humanness that will ever be at this star.
As ever you are incapable of rising above your humanness.
I think they can celebrate their humanness better by being humane.
Why, a million years ago our ancestors were approaching full humanness.
How could they be, given the fragmented and fallen nature of our humanness?
"The audience has spent time getting in touch with their humanness.
What horror lay waiting in the house beyond to challenge her humanness?
There was still some humanness left in her, then.
She drew back from the humanness in him, the honesty of that pain.
She felt comforted by the very humanness of the look, and smiled a little.
And again the perverted humanness of these things shook him.
"For me perfection is the humanness of disorder," she said in a recent interview.
But everyone talked then, trying to break that horrible quiet with the sounds of humanness.
The crux of it all was to retain their humanness.
But the thought revolted him as an insult to his very humanness.
Perhaps my sense of humanness will fade, with time ?
Could he, in his humanness, really feel the wind?
They have seen, therefore, that what we call God is a static prototype of humanness without any power.
How far can we change, and still preserve, life and humanness?
A great sense of humanness and comradeship swept over him.
He was an exemplary of dedication, a hero who never lost his humanness.