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They were far more humanoid than I had expected them to be.
He could see at once it was humanoid but far from human.
But his was a man's body - or at least humanoid.
All humanoid, he decided quickly, though at least two of them looked like no species he'd ever seen before.
The eyes, the hair, the skin would be really human, not humanoid.
Before it stood a large humanoid figure, male, looking toward him.
He set one very humanoid hand above the chart table.
A moment later it was in a clearly humanoid shape.
It had definitely taken on the form of a humanoid figure.
It must be a humanoid type from some world out among the stars.
Other humanoid races, times without number, had taken a different road.
"Let him tell the story," said a humanoid woman who had been sitting at the end of the bar.
This is another element of humanoid behavior I do not yet understand.
A couple of humanoid robots were just now coming into view ahead.
The suits were humanoid, yet not of a type he knew.
If he can see the humanoid bases there now, tell me how.
While humanoid, the creature was very far indeed from being human.
Though he was humanoid, Earth had never seen creatures just like him.
It is the first story in which I made use of a humanoid robot.
"The bosses have to be humanoid or why all of this?"
Nobody wanted to hear his news of the humanoid invasion.
"For humanoid person long disappeared, but with many stories told."
From the waist up they were humanoid, but not completely so.
He can also appear as a tall figure of any humanoid race.
Apparently they were humanoid, but at least some had golden eyes.