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But he lost his sense of humour, after a time.
At least we know he has a sense of humour.
Come on, some sense of humour is called for here.
And find your sense of humour, you seem to have lost it.
But did not see any sign of humour in his eyes.
I simply could not understand the boys' sense of humour.
If a sense of humour is important to you, does he have one?
I want the police to look for her, not humour me.
He seemed to be in a very good humour indeed.
I knew that the only way was to humour him.
But I think it best to humour him a while.
His sense of humour, I thought, might cost us all our lives.
Off the field, he helped the team with his easy humour.
This is why I sometimes think life has a sense of humour.
Despite the sense of humour, the game is very difficult to play.
Whose sense of humour does that sound like to you?
It was the least he could do to humour him.
She needed help but in order to do that he would have to humour her.
You'd think anyone with half a sense of humour would be able to tell this.
She might have even noted the humour in his voice.
So poor Jack was not in the best of humour.
The young officer was known to have a sense of humour.
"Why should they put you in such a bad humour?"
It is said that he had a good sense of humour.
I'd been right, he did have a sense of humour.
They had more in common than a sense of humor.
No matter when you see me, I'm going to find some humor in the situation.
Many things were said in a kind of a humor.
So he did have a sense of humor after all.
But she was not without a sense of humor about them.
When they want to make a point with humor, came the answer.
Not everyone had lost their sense of humor after a long, difficult day at work.
For one thing, he seems to have no sense of humor.
What seems to have been lost is a sense of humor.
A good sense of humor will go a long way.
If she had a sense of humor, maybe we could work something out.
And some people say I have no sense of humor.
Maybe the girl's actually got a good sense of humor after all.
How do you view the relationship between humor and your work?
Humor is not always a force for good, of course.
Sometimes the only thing one can turn to in these cases is dark humor.
People think he has no sense of humor, she thought.
One must have a sense of humor about these things, after all.
And I already know he has a sense of humor.
She probably had a very good sense of humor about such things.
Two people in bad humor got out of the car.
He was hard working and at least had a sense of humor.
But when her father turned, his eyes had the light of humor.
His human eyes were so full of life and humor.
He looked up again, all humor gone from his eyes.