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The hungriness is going to help me make plays through the rest of the season."
You know, 10 years on the tour, sometimes you lose the hungriness for the tennis."
She has an emotional hungriness for men.
You must now be feeling great hungriness."
"Great hungriness," Simon affirmed.
He felt the hungriness of a cloud of mosquitoes in his loins, and as the last shred of restraint frayed, the light lancer armor inspirited a thought.
As Mr. Zennstrom sees it, during the "bubble years" in Sweden, programmers lost some of the hungriness and hustle he could still find in the Baltics.
They were like magic him, a reminder of all he had surrendered in fleeing to h island, and he was filled with that hungriness which won determine all he would do on this trip.
He had eaten very little that morning-a few tablespoons of rolled oats boiled in a tin cup- and his stomach had that hollow feeling, by now familiar to him, of a hunger beyond mere hungriness.
The Disney film Enchanted also makes references to the "evil stepmother" belief, as the villainess is a stepmother, but her wickedness comes from her selfishness and power hungriness rather than the simple fact she is a stepmother.
We spend most of the year hiding from the cold, we are not that comfortable in our bodies, we're reserved, polite, easily embarrassed and we just lack a kind of hungriness and fundamental drive that you need to do consistently well in sport, especially at today's level.
By contrast, Slant Magazine's William McBee found The Blueprint 3 "predictable", "complacent", and "a hip-hop feast, for sure, filled to the brim with elite production and elite rapping, but it lacks the hungriness, the spirit, and the craziness that marks a classic album".