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Toni soon established herself as a girl with an eye for a hunky man.
TV Week said that it was about time Neighbours introduced "a hunky man with a few more years on his side".
Paul Simonon was once voted the world's hunkiest man in Playgirl magazine.
The host, once considered "the hunkiest man alive," bought his Santa gear at Caldor's.
She doesn't want a serious relationship. She just wants an exciting, purely sexual fling with some daft, hunky man.
That commercial, which tells a role-reversal tale of women ogling a hunky man, began appearing in this country in March.
Hunky men, nursing bruised egos.
But at this house, Heidi's Stud Farm, the prostitutes will be hunky men and the patrons women.
Jon Booth, 25, appears in a Kay's mail order catalogue after responding to an ad for hunky men wanting a taste of the fashion world.
Elaine dates the hunky man (David James Elliott) who delivered Jerry's couch.
The glowing consumer reports about cycling the peaks and television commercials for aftershave showing hunky men rattling down sheer slopes of scree on bikes made me suspicious.
The Coca-Cola Company is hoping to get lucky again with a television commercial for Diet Coke that tells a role-reversal tale about women ogling a hunky man.
United Kingdom's MTV found Minaj's signature lap dance "saucy" and complimented the clip's use of "hunky men" and "outrageous flirting".
The same applies to the home, when a new value is given to a grainy wood table that would have been peasant's stuff when Chippendales were chairs and hunky men were carpenters.
The charming 34-year-old star of Dimensions, a stylish new period sci-fi drama, adds seditiously that she would much prefer to see the slot used for pictures of "engaging pets and/or hunky men."
That was the scene one Saturday night this month at i-candy, a lounge in West Hollywood, which was packed with herds of hunky men, a few high-spirited women and one tipsy woman in a halter grinding between two guys.
In one pair of ads, a hunky man seeks an "authentic Mona Lisa to share 'la dolce vita' " and a second hunky man seeks an "authentic David" to share same.