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The light from the hurricane lamp fell on your hair.
He set the hurricane lamp on the night table and broke open the pack.
Hurricane lamps and candles provided the only source of light.
The place looked bare and deserted in the light of two hurricane lamps.
Hurricane lamps had been lit inside the cave, which was the size of a large room.
She walked over to the hurricane lamp and carefully removed the hot glass cover.
The smoky glow from the hurricane lamp reached no higher than the windows.
Both were equipped with two chemical toilets and three hurricane lamps.
"All right," he muttered, staring down at me, his eyes like hurricane lamps.
The paraffin hurricane lamps also seemed to interest and win his approval.
Tiny hurricane lamps and a few flowers decorate the tables.
There was some internal illumination, though, maybe from candles or a hurricane lamp.
It wasn't very bright either, more like a hurricane lamp, or even a candle.
The nurse had found a hurricane lamp from somewhere.
Sawyer seemed to know what was where, though, because within seconds he produced a hurricane lamp and lit it.
Hurricane lamps were used in the stables, home and chapels.
The hurricane lamp picked out the ripple of his ribcage.
Set at its center would be a small jewel-like antique hanging hurricane lamp.
Holding the hurricane lamp up, he looked around.
Inside there's a table covered in green baize with three hurricane lamps hanging above to light it.
A white hurricane lamp burned in the window.
"Those Greeks threw their boots at it, and a couple of hurricane lamps as well.
Of the kerosene lamp then developed to produce hurricane lamps for the fishermen.
Then, having lit two of the hurricane lamps and seen that they were full of oil, we started back up the cave.
He doused the hurricane lamp, locked the cabin door and jumped onto the bank.