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H is just the sum of the two hydrogenic Hamiltonians:
Author of works about origins, evolution and transforms of hydrogenic soils.
The energy of a hydrogenic system can be exactly calculated analytically as follows :
The peculiar properties of the Rydberg atom come from the large charge separation and the resulting hydrogenic potential.
The extremely large separation between the two components of a heavy Rydberg system results in an almost perfect 1/r hydrogenic potential seen by each ion.
The 1s electron of a hydrogenic systems can be accurately described by the corresponding Slater orbital:
This overlap is smaller for lighter electrons and holes and for highly excited hydrogenic states.
A hydrogenic (hydrogen-like) atom is a two-particle system consisting of a nucleus and an electron.
A hydrogen-like atom or a hydrogenic atom is an atom with one electron.
This equation is separable and the eigenfunctions can be written in the form of single products of hydrogenic wave functions:
This will now give us energy levels for hydrogenic atoms, which can serve as a rough order-of-magnitude approximation of the actual energy levels.
It appears naturally in Sommerfeld's analysis, and determines the size of the splitting or fine-structure of the hydrogenic spectral lines.
Hydrogenic atomic systems are suitable models to demonstrate the relativistic effects in atomic systems in a simple way.
The relativistic energy of an electron in 1s orbital of a hydrogenic atomic systems is obtained by solving the Dirac equation.
Note, however, that in the limit as , these localized functions collapse into the well-known atomic (hydrogenic) psi functions .
The wavefunction of the bound state is said to be hydrogenic, an exotic atom state akin to that of a hydrogen atom.
Since there are no known solutions for many-electron systems (hydrogenic atoms and the diatomic hydrogen cation being notable one-electron exceptions), the problem is solved numerically.
For an atomic orbital calculation, these are typically the orbitals for a hydrogenic atom (an atom with only one electron, but the appropriate nuclear charge).
Practically a Rydberg wave packet is created by a laser pulse on a hydrogenic atom and thus populates a superposition of Rydberg states.
Unlike the hydrogen-like ("hydrogenic") Schrödinger orbitals, STOs have no radial nodes (neither do Gaussian-type orbitals).
Assuming that the total pressure is fixed, this means that density of the non-hydrogenic ion is smaller than that of the hydrogenic ion by a factor 2/("Z"+1).
In quantum mechanics Thomas precession is a correction to the spin-orbit interaction, which takes into account the relativistic time dilation between the electron and the nucleus in hydrogenic atoms.
En, the energy eigenvalues and , the corresponding eigenfunctions of the hydrogenic Hamiltonian will denote the normalized energy eigenvalues and the normalized eigenfunctions.
Because the two 1s electrons screen the protons to give an effective atomic number for the 2s electron close to 1, we can treat this 2s valence electron with a hydrogenic model.
In general, at sufficiently high principal quantum numbers, an excited electron - ionic core system will have the general character of a hydrogenic system and the energy levels will follow the Rydberg formula.